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My Ultimate Guide To Pokhara - What to Do, See & Eat !

Pokhara is one of the coolest town in Nepal, hands down.
Ihave been living in Nepal since forever and I am a travel agent. So I am biased, yes, however, once you come here and experience it for yourself, you’ll doubtlessly likewise love the unlimited layers to this city — the spectacular scenery, adventure activities, beautiful view points, wonderful hotels, and a food galore.
Pokhara City
Pokhara is very affordable, extraordinarily serene, and it appears that regardless of what sort of individual you distinguish yourself as, you can discover your clan here. During my frequent visits to Pokhara, I’ve remained in each area, tested a wide range of food, and have commenced activities that I already couldn’t have envisioned existed. Here’s my definitive, end all, be all guide for Pokhara:
Things to Do in Pokhara
Pokhara Old Bazaar
If you are looking for the free stuff like no entrance fees and all. Furthermore, if you want to visit a non- touristy side of Pokhara visit the old Bazaar translated: “Purano Bazaar in Nepali” in Pokhara. Located 4 Km north of tourists lakeside. The best way to explore is by foot or you may take a local bus.
Old Bazaar, Pokhara
On the sleepy old avenues are houses built in Newari architecture with red block, which are like those in Kathmandu. There are no autos or cab in the city. Residents are standing or sitting before houses, some selling merchandise, while others just chatting with neighbors and everything seems shut. Further, one feels as though time has ceased here. Proceed north on Bhairab Tole to arrive at the small two-layered Bhimsen Temple, a 200-year-old holy place to the Newari divine force of trade and business, beautified with suggestive carvings. Further, shops selling bins and pottery loads encompassing square.
Bhimsen Temple, Old Bazaar, Pokhara
This is the culturally rich part of Pokhara where you can enjoy the true Nepalese atmosphere. Furthermore, here you will not find the cluttered hotels like in the lakeside.
Bindhya Basini Temple
Situated on the hill, Bindhya Basini temple, dedicated to goddess Bhagwati, another manifestation of war goddesses Durga. Sacrifices are made to the goddesses on Saturdays.
Bindhya Basini temple
Furthermore, you can also have a spectacular mountain view and different parts of Pokhara. This is one of the venerated Hindu temples, but honestly, for the tourists the views are more compelling.
Davi’s Fall
This waterfall is one of the major tourist spots in Pokhara. Also called Patale Chhango, this wonderful waterfall is the point where the Pardi Khola stream disappears completely underground. At the point when the stream is at its full throttle after rainstorm rains, the sound of the water diving over the falls is deafening.
Davi’s Fall
The falls are about 2km southwest of the Pokhara airport on the way toward Butwal, just before the Tashi Ling Tibetan Camp. According, to the legend the name comes from the Swiss foreigner who tumbled into the sinkhole and drowned, taking his girlfriend with him.
Phewa Lake
Phewa lake probably is the focal point for all domestic and well as international travelers. The best way to appreciate the lake is by renting one of the colorful boats and paddling to the densely forested southwestern shore. The dense green forest gives the emerald hue to the lake.
Phewa Lake
Furthermore, on the clearest day, the crystal clear reflection of Mount Fishtail on its surface is simply captivating. You may also walk or rent a cycle around the Lakeshore. If not, you may relax in one of the restaurants in the Lakeshore and appreciate the views and see the people passing by.
Barahi Temple
Located on a small island on Phewa Lake, Tal Barahi Temple is a small 2 story pagoda-style Hindu sanctuary dedicated to the Lord Vishnu in his boar incarnation.
Barahi Temple
The best way to visit this temple is during boating around Phewa lake. After you take off from the shore the boat slowly takes you to the temple (5–7 minutes) on the small island, gives as much time as you want for you to spend in the temple and you can get into any other boat after spending time there
International Mountain Museum
International mountain Museum has been built up at the footstep of Fishtail Mountain and a gateway to the mountain district. The shape of the historical center rooftop itself looks like mountain horizon to any guest before entering the main gate.
Internatonal Mountain Museum
It is a knowledge hub for the people who are interested about mountains, how people lived there years back, you will get idea about their lifestyle. Get know about mountaineers and can see their usage staffs. A good place to pass a lazy evening and its outside is well decorated with beautiful gardens.
World Peace Stupa
This lighthouse alike white stupa standing 40 meters tall is one of the famous viewpoints located southwest of Pokhara. Also, it is one of the important Buddhist pilgrimage sites in Pokhara. This site provides a wide angle panoramic view of the Himalaya range. This site has become a popular tourist site.
World Peace Stupa
Hiking To World Peace Stupa
Further, there are several hiking routes starting from here. The most popular hike is World Peace Stupa Hike. This hike starts from Kalanki, you climb uphill through the dense forest appreciating the view of Pokhara city and the mountains. After reaching the top, the trail begins just underneath the porch of the stupa, and drops steeply along a cleared away with cut stone advances. After walking through the woods, the trail passes near some nearby local houses and cabins with large terraces overlooking Phewa Lake. Blossoming trees spread the walkway further on, and soon the pathway arrives the bay of Pumdi Bhumdi. From there take a boat which is half an hour to the lakeside shore.
Situated on the edge of Pokhara city is the famous view point Sarangkot. It offers perhaps the best views of the Annapurna Himalayan mountain tops. The best time to be here is at dawn or dusk because of the terrific pink and orange hues the mountain range takes on during sunrise and sunset.
View from Sarangkot
Adventure activities from Sarangkot
You have choices of various adventurous activities from Sarangkot. You may choose any of these activities .
One of the popular adventurous activity Paragliding takes off from Sarangkot from an altitude of 1700m. During Paragliding, you will have a wonderful aerial view of Pokhara city, Phewa Lake and Annapurna Himalayan range.
Zip- Line
With an initial inclination of 56 degrees (making it the steepest Zip line on the planet), an absolute length of 1.8 Km and a vertical drop of 600 meters. It is the tallest, longest and the steepest zip line on the planet. Experience 180 degree all encompassing views of the magnificent Annapurna as you Zip at more than 85 miles (100+km) from Sarangkot hill top.
Pokhara’s nightlife is second to the Thamel in Kathmandu, however, fairly laid back, with little of the aggro and fairly strictly observed closing times. Everything closes before midnight. Almost all bars feature happy hours from 5–7 PM. The music scene consists of Nepali local band playing cover songs, and sometimes DJ plays the usual dance floor-filling Western tunes.
Nightlife in Pokhara
During dinner some of the hotels and restaurants put on free folk music and dance performances by local ethnic groups — you’ll have to follow your ears.
You have a lot of options to choose from in lakeside. There are plenty of restaurants offering almost all types of cuisines.
You will get the entire range of souvenirs from Pokhara from khukuri knives, Thangka paintings to Tibetan Jewellery.
Shopping in Pokhara
However, most of them highly priced then compared to that in Kathmandu from where it is usually imported. Likewise, the Tibetan market offers some unusual items, including hand-made wall hangings emblazoned with unique designs of spiritual and iconic importance. Some of the wall hangings look like the real thing and are usually well made too.
Meditation at Ganden Yiga Chozin Buddhist Centre
A serene and genuine Buddhist meditation facility with its very own unobtrusive prayer Hall. It’s a short walk north of Lakeside. They run customary extended weekend courses (beginning on Friday afternoons), just as every day contemplation and yoga classes, and straightforward convenience (see Lakeside South). Furthermore, Buddhist priests come up in season from Kopan Monastery, from Kathmandu, to run lessons and meditations.
Meditation at Ganden Yiga Chozin Buddhist Centre

Top 03 Luxury Nepal Holiday Packages Including Pokhara:
1. Journey Through Nepal | Luxury Nepal Holiday (10 Days)
2. Luxury Nepal Tour | Breathtaking Mountains & Valleys (6 Days)
3. Nepal Golden Triangle Trip | Best Nepal Tour Package


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